Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bark! Arf!! Woof! Woof! Bark! RRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....!!

It's been a long day.  A nice day, but long.  Been doing drywall work pretty much all day.  Just got home around 10:00.  My dogs keep barking.  They do that a lot, lately.  Have no clue what they're barking at.  Probably a mosquito, or something, because I can't see anything.  It's getting quite annoying.  They'd better watch it.  I'm about to donate them to science.  Not that science would want them.  What could possibly be learned?

You know, we have been receiving a lot of "Field & Stream" magazines at the house. They've all been addressed to Heather.  Don't know how that subscription came through.  I've been teasing Heather about her new "hobby".  Any day now I expect to walk into the living room to find my dogs stuffed and mounted on the wall.  If that happens, just know that it won't be my doing.  I couldn't even bring myself to dissect the frog in high school biology. 

A study of the aerodynamic flight properties of the dogs might be rather amusing, though....

1 comment:

Joanna & Ben said...

I love random magazines that come to the house and get you scratching your head. It keeps things interesting