Friday, February 13, 2009

Episode 17: Kitchen in view! Oh! The Joy!!!

I spent last night working on the kitchen walls and ceiling. I finally completed the hanging of the drywall, and then proceeded to tape and heavy-coat the joints. It was 2:30am by the time I stopped. I took the day off from work today to complete the kitchen. Yes, it was a planned day off. The cabinets will be installed on Monday. Today they were delivered to our house and are currently taking up space in the living room. The appliances will be delivered tomorrow.

The kitchen after the joints have been taped and heavy-coated.

The cabinets in the living room.

Meg taking a breath after all of that heavy lifting.

I am still shooting to have the kitchen painted by tomorrow night. Heather is off from work on Monday, so she will be here to supervise the cabinet installation. It's finally coming together. I can't wait for this to be completed. Then I can start on finishing the laundry room, the bathroom, and the family room. Some day I will return to my garage, but I don't count on doing so any time soon.

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