Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Crap!!!!

Abigail. Abbey. The "A-Factor". Maybe I should add "Stinky" to the list of names. We're still working on her housebreaking. I thought that the reason crate training was supposed to be so great was because dogs won't defile the place where they sleep. Apparently Abbey doesn't know that law. As I let her out of the crate this morning (she launches out like a photon torpedo- complete with the sound) I had to fight to keep from succombing to the stench. I know, this is gross. Just let me vent, Ok?

Anyway, have you ever seen Daddy Day Care? Remember the part where the kid comes out of the bathroom and Eddie Murphy peeks in the door and is horrified by the carnage all over the floors, walls and ceiling? Just paste my face on that scene. That was Abbey's crate. Maybe I should call her Crappigail, or the Crappinator. I know, she's just a puppy, and can't hold it all night, yet. I just don't remember Meg being that difficult.

The dogs, by the way, have been eating a new dog food for the last couple of weeks. Blue Buffalo is apparently a miracle food. The dogs love it. They messily devour it as soon as I set it on the floor. They seem happier. Their fur is softer. They are more energetic. Very, very energetic. And it goes through Abbey like, well, you know.

So, I will welcome any housebreaking advice so this little dog can be unleashed upon the house. If you come to visit, bring your own clothespin.


Joanna & Ben said...

gross...gross. I'm just glad that it wasn't me cleaning that up, Edward...yuck. I only have advice for human babies, sorry.

Lildonbro said...

...uh...thanks for sharing :X That's a throwing up face in case you didn't know. I don't know if it is universally used as such, but for today that's what it is.